Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Being A Succesful Elementary School Teacher. See My Tips

Being A Succesful Elementary School Teacher
                                                                  pic by lovetoknow.com

To be an elementary school teacher is my dream. Not all people have desire to be teacher, but dedicate to be teacher is one purpose on my life. Meet new student each years make me always curious about them. Especially if you teach on low grade, you will find and face some student that will make you busy. But don’t worry sometimes their behave can make you happy, their uniqueness each student is also challenge for you.

That’s  way be an elementary school make you always happy. You will find any character each student like naughty, shy, active and others. Be an elementary school teacher is not easy. We have to teach, care, instill character and also foster their skill.   

There is no specific set of rule on how to be elementary school teacher in the 21st century. The most important you should graduated from elementary school program in university or in indonesian we called as PGSD (Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar). But now, to be elementary school teacher not only person that graduated from teacher program in university, but also on other course like technic, biology, math also can be an elementary school. It is depending the institution when recruit teacher. 

Some schools are open to to receive person from other background study, not just from teacher program. May be we think that phenomena is not ideal and proper with the rule or regulation. But forget it, now we focus to talk about how to be succesful elementary school teacher. Lets check it out

Consistensy is key

if your life is dedicated for education. So we must totally do the best for our student and school. We have to make our student understand about anything not just primary suject like math, science, language and art. We also don’t regret to be teacher if you see the salary or revenue each month is not enough for your life. We know especially for honorary teacher must understand the risk and consequent about it.

Small revenue is not make you down to always teach your student. Think the small salary is only make your work not focus with your chore give knowledge to your student. Lets forget about salary, we will proud if all of your student understand about the material and get good mark for each chapter. You also happy if your student join the competition and also win, not other will pay for this moment.

As the teacher we must be creative and not only depending with the salary on your school. We can create something that relate either with your job or  your hobby. We can establish conseling study, build english course, make cake, food, drink  or you try bussines like online shop. But we must realize that our task is teaching so don’t forget to always focus with your part job.

Make classroom rules and put it on the wall

This rule is have purpose to make good condition in classroom. We know that each student have different character so we must controll their behave. Make a simply rules such as listening when teacher explain the lesson, don’t speak with other, don’t disturb during lesson, don’t eat or drink in the lesson and many more. 

Teacher can compose and compile some rules in a paper and don’t forget to explain each rule and put the rules in the wall, so all student will see and remember about the rules. After make the rules teacher also must give information relate reward and consequent if the student obey or disobedience the rule.

Create fun learning

the main duties for an elementary school teacher is to provide an educational foundation in the future. As teacher also want all the student enjoy and understand all the subject. We can use many strategies and model to create a learning enviroment that elicit student to active and participate during lesson. Not just give knowledge and ask the student to memorize all the material. 

Rote ways is an old strategy that only make your student boring and this strategy not make the student remember the information in long term. So teacher must be interactive and creative in the learning, create something that ignites their intellectual curiosity. Here just a few example

1.    Develop and use creative learning. Teach your student not only just give information by speaking but we can create the learning more interesting and make the student enjoy with the lesson. Teacher also can combine with the game in the learning, I think its way to make student not too boring with the lesson

2.    Teacher also can make experiment activity, it aim to make the student more think critis and can solve the any problem from the lesson. Find the information by self through research or experiment make the student remember about the information for long time. 

Teacher must have sense of humor

Humor is very important to make the situation in the classroom more interesting and fun. Too serious in the learning is also will make our student tired and boring. You can imagine your student start study from 07.00 am until 12.00 pm for some subject and if  you only using rote method for every subject, so its obviusly not good for student

Collaborate with other teacher

We also can ask to other teacher about anything. We sure that we still need more information relate about education. For instance  method, curriculum, lesson plan, tips and trick how to treat and face the problem. Share your story and  problem to other teacher is also make you know about your weakness and your strengh. I believe your friend will give you solution to face your problem. Learning from experienced teacher can help you tremendously.

Being a teacher in elementary school is both a big challenge and opportunity. The challenge is teacher not only busy with their administration, lesson planning, method,  teach but also build their character. The opportunity is we can meet and know the character each student, opportunity to fun together, laugh together, share and listen the story form our student.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Singapore Lead On Science, Reading and Math Literacy on PISA 2015

Singapore Lead On Science, Reading and Math Literacy on PISA 2015
Student Life in Singapore
source pic: hotcourseabroad.com

The result of PISA (Program for International Student Assesment) has released on December 6, 2016. Asia must proud because there was some countries in asia standing in top ten like Singapore, Hongkong, Japan, Taiwan, China, and Vietnam. Top positition this years is Singapore, Singapore still leading for the global assesment of problem solving skill. It shows that student ( 15 years old) in Singapore get good mark in all areas of mathematic, science and reading literacy. 

PISA is assesment program that conducted by Organisation and Development which conducted every three years. It prove that 15 years in Singapore are quick learners, highly inquisitive, able to solve unstructured problems in unfamiliar context and also highly skilled in generating new situation/condition by observing and exploring.

I think the study show that (Singapore student) are thinking, open, brave and have inisiative. Hang Swee Keat also said that important skill and trait for today’s world cannot be obtain through rote learning. Rote by rote is an old learning that only make the student feel boring and doesn’t have problem solving skill. Rote by rote is only create student as thinking student not as problem solver. But we know have good or high on some subject is not ensure that student have good jobs after they graduated.

Rote by rote is not effective learning, this  methods only make the student confuse, information is only  temporary. Time by time the information will fade if the student not repeat the information anymore. Back to Singapore, in the last PISA test in 2012 Singapore student were ranked second on mathematics and third in the science and reading. 

PISA 2015 conducted last years from 72 countries in the world. In Singapore there are 5825 randomly selected to participate this test, its consist of all 166 public school, 290 student from private school, international school and one madrasah. The test is compute based test. Not only answer the question, the student also must filled up a survey questionnaire on their background, including learning habits and motivation.

Singapore student are not just applying knowledge and skill, but also in analysing, reasoning, and communicating as they solve novel problem. Here top score for each area like science, reading and math.

Top Score In PISA 2015.

Singapore    556
Japan          538
Estonia        534
Taiwan        532
Finland        531
Macao        529
Canada       528
Vietnam      525
Hongkong   523
China         518

Top score for  reading area

Singapore       535
Hongkong        527
Canada            527
Finland            526
Ireland             521
Estonia            519
South Korea   517
Japan              516
Norway          513
New zealand   509

Top score for math area

Singapore    564
Hongkong    548
Macao        544
Taiwan        542
Japan          532
China          531
Korea         524
Swiss          521
Estonia       520
Canada       516
How about Indonesia? Indonesia get improve on reading, literacy, science and math area. On PISA 2012 indonesia get score 337 for reading literacy and in PISA 2015 Indonesia get score 350. In math area indonesia get improve 17 poin compare than last test. On science indonesia get score 359, its better than three years ago (PISA 2012) that only 350.

How to Reduce Addiction Your Child from Online Games? See My Tips

How to Reduce Addiction Your Child from Online Games

Internet now as the primary need, without internet may your life not complete. Not just for get information, intenet also use for other activities like online shop, connecting  to your social media (facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube, game online and much more. Internet has positif impact if we use it with properly. Now your child, even under five age, almost young child have gadget, mostly tablet. 

Give tablet or smartphone for your child its no problem, but sometimes we forget that give smartphone it only make our child enjoy with the games and forget about the enviroment and physic. But on grow age is important for our child to do some real activity  like play, run, drawing, singing  not just focus with their device. The real activity not only make them happy, but also will create creativity, solve problem and also  make good relationship between child and parent.

Now, young child addict with online games. Online games can acces in several device like PC, smarthpone and tablet. Mostly people acces game online with their smartphone cause mobility and simple. As parent must be carefull about online game especially for your child, because game online may cause many teribble things. 

The first one, your child will not focus with their study, your child may will forget and skip all the lesson even homework because they enjoy the games, and it will impact with bad mark in any subject. Too long playing the online game is also may harm the health and cause some terrible disease. 

For example if your child playing online game for a very long time it will damage the eyes. So we don’t surprise if we find more teenagers wearing glasses. Playing online games is also will harm your backbone, because you only focus with the games and don’t do other activity. 

Online games often contain encourage a lot of violence in their games, so its very dangerous for their mental and character. Its only the some real impact online games. 

Parent must prevent our child from addict online game, because it will have bad impact in short term and long term. In short time the child will get imsomnia, less appetite and forget time. In the long term child will less sleep, difficult to concetrate in academic, more emotional, depression and difficult to sosialization.

Here some way to reduce addiction online game.

1.    Show other activity like sport , art, drawing, reading. Parent can give information and introduce about some type of sport , drawing, reading or art. Lets your child to choose, what activities they like?

2.    Give limited acces internet for child

3.    Switch off wifi on study hours.

4.    Make a rule for your child to don’t acces internet during eat and quality time with family

5.    Cooperate will school to support program limited acces online games and don’t forget ban your child to bring smartphone to school.

We hope after you read this article, you must realize that we have to control our child from online games, because playing too much online games is not good for their health and character.  Parent also make sure that your child using internet is only for positive and safe activity.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Memorize Is Not Real Study. It's Only Make Burden For The Student

Memorize Is Not Real Study. It's Only Make Burden For The Student
The big problem education in indonesia is about process on learning. Some of teacher still using old method to deliver the knowledge to student with memorize. I think not all teacher in the modern era still using this method, its about your self to manage your class and how you treat your student to understand about any chapter on some subject. 

Memorize is one of method that force the student to understand the subject or material on short time. This methode is become habit for the teacher to efficient their time. Especially that in one semester there are so many material, but the teacher only have limit of time. So sometimes the teacher ask the student to reading all material in the house by self. 

Memorize all the subject is not good for student, because not all student have some ability to fast absorb the material on short time. The student that have standart ability, may take more time to understand each subject. I think the student will confuse because not only one subject that they have to memorized, but momore. Memorize to many materials is only make the student down and does not have passion in the learning. 

The student will boring and never enjoy with the learning. As the teacher we must to understand that not all material on some subject are good using memorize method. Sometimes teacher must change their method proper with the material. Teacher also must remember that if the material only deliver by reading, i believe that the result will not good. 

Other method like practical and discuss to solve some case, it will make the student to analyze the case and know how to solve the problem, it also fostering their problem solving skill. Its so sad especially for student in the elementary school, the learning process is dominate about memorize the material. So you can imagine, if your child study on islamic elementary school (MI) not only basic subject like science, social, math, art but also other islamic subject like fiqih, alqur'an hadist, akidah akhlak. 

Many subject and a lot of memorize is only make student stress and not focus in the learning.Memorize is on process to put information into memory. Memorize change information into banking process or we usually called as coding. Memorize is like shortcut for the teacher to summary the material, but the method totally not good for young child who unable to manage their brain on many subject.Memorize also relate with the test. 

We know that our test using multiple choice or one answer for one question. The ways to face this question type is by memorize. But this test type can't exlore the truly skill of each student. Memorize system not build reltion between information in the brain. Memorize also will give sign to our brain. The consequent is, if the process  we stop it, so slowly the sign will fade. 

We as teacher not always ask the student to memorize but we can give oppurtunity for student to create spaces for base understanding in order to fast absorb the information in the next step. Many parent have misunderstanding about their child, if the child can memorize in the young age, so they think that the child will remember all one's life.

 Its totally wrong, when they grow old make sure the child will forget the information, except the child always remember and always repeat the information. The last, what do you think that memorize not important for our child? Memorize is important and have positive impact, for example student can absorb information fastly, but the teacher is also remember that memorize is only help as tools and not as priority process in the learning.

Setiono (an islamic elementary school teacher)

Monday, December 19, 2016

Registration OTS (Orange Tulip Scholarship) Now Open Until April, 1 2017

Orange Tulip Scholarsip for Indonesian Student
Registration for Orange Tulip Scholarship or we called as OTS now open. Registration are open for indonesian student who want to study in Netherland. This scholarship now open for academic 2017-2018. This year almost there are 75 scholarship available for indonesian student with total 10 milion.

The directure Nuffic Nesso for Indonesia Mervin Bakker said that this year there are increasing for institution or universities in this scholarship. He also said that the candidate last year can attract attention the institution to give more oppurtunity indonesian student to study in Netherland.

Program study for this schorlarship include bachelor and master degree in the researh institution and all material will delivered in english language on every program what do you take like science, social, art and others

Mervin Bakker also said that now we life in the international situation so this force each student to understand each problem in different case. So its challenging the student to think critis. Particular in Netherland that you will find international student  from 199 countries.

The interactive learning and teaching that based on orientation student, it will become plus value. It also will help studentto adaptation with new situation and make sure they must compete in world level for their carier after they graduate.

Before you decide to registration OTS, make sure you have to registation first in program study you like to one of 25 institution. 

After that the registration, lets continue to send any document by email to Nuffic Neso Indonesia.
Others requirement that if you wanna apply this scholarship is OTS formulir. You can get and download this formulir on official site Nuffic Neso Indonesia and dont forget to enclose letter of acceptance from one institution you have registered. 

Registration open until April 1, 2016, but each universities has different scheme. If you wanna see complete the procedure, list of universites and also program study and others you can visit this web Nuffic Neso Indonesia